Sunday, July 19, 2009

It begins...

So I've finally succumbed to the web logging (or 'blogging', as those in the know put it) craze.. Whether this actually yields anything interesting and/or insightful is yet to be seen, but hopefully it'll give me a chance to vent some spleen and impart some of my 'wisdom' (I use the term loosely here) upon the few people who actually bother to read it. So here are a few things which are on my mind right now:

  1. I fucking love spaghetti westerns. Re-watched A Fistful of Dollars and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly the other night, and they are absolutely fantastic. Who would have thought that multiple-minute-long stretches of dialogue- and action-free footage, with just close-ups of people's eyes could be so engrossing? This has got to be the best scene in cinematic history.
  2. Wikipedia is a brilliant time-burner. I've spent about the last two hours reading about things like Yetis, El Chupacabra, and Tintin. Happy fun times!
  3. Motivation is an interesting thing. Despite wanting to start working again, I just can't seem to motivate myself to pick up my creative output again. I haven't completed a single short story since last year, and haven't written any songs in months. After beginning work on tracks for a full-length recording (blah blah blah self-indulgent, pretentious wanker blah blah blah) a couple of weeks ago, I'm no longer making any progress. This is frustrating.

My quote for today comes from the 'man with no name': "You see in this world there are two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."

I wonder which kind I am

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